Sunset Hills Triathlon

Sunset Hills, MO

Join us for our 6th Annual Sunset Hills Triathlon presented by Swim Bike Run. This challenging sprint distance course consists of a 300yd swim, 11.8 mile bike, and a 3 mile run. The race kicks off at 7:00am on Sunday, August 23rd, 2015. Swimming takes place at the Sunset Hills Aquatic Facility, while the bike course circles part of Sunset Hills passing along Laumeier Sculpture Park. The new run course takes runners through beautiful Watson Trail Park.

muniTRI Series

Sunday, August 23, 2015 

Start Time
Triathlon (300 yard swim, 11.8 mile bike, 3 mile run)  7:00am

Watson Trail Park Pool 
12450 W. Watson
Sunset Hills, MO 63127 

Bike | Run

Packet Pick-Up
Packet pick-up information will be available as detailed below:

FLEET FEET/ SBR Town and Country (TC) on Friday, August 21st from 10am-8pm.
FLEET FEET South County (SO) on Saturday, August 22nd from 10am-5pm.

Finishers medals will be given to all finishers.  Plaques will be given to Male and Female—Top 3 finishers overall. Age Group Awards for top three male and female finishers in 14 & Under, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79 and 80 & Over. *USAT Standards for age do apply (you are in the age group for the race per your age as of 12/31/15).  There will also be an award for the most improved bike time for the male and female who have the most improvement on the bike portion from the 2014 race.

More Information
For more information, contact Ryan Harrison at 314-842-7265 or


When & Where

Aug 23, 2015


6:00 AM

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Event Schedule

Sunset Hills, MO

Watson Trail Park

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