Run With Passion 5k

Dublin, OH

Please join our 2nd Annual Run with Passion 5k! Last year’s participants were excited about the truly supportive and family-oriented environment. People really liked the low-key approach and the fact that everyone – runners, walkers, family and friends – stayed to cheer on each other – to the last participant!.

Our race supports the Passion Center for Children, a ministry serving the children, widows, and community of Zomba, Malawi, Africa. For more information about the Passion Center see info below or visit

Registration Options

            -Adults (16 and older)         $25 until 4/15; $30 until 5/15; $35 until Race Day

            -Children under 16              $20 until 4/15; $25 until 5/15; $35 until Race Day

            -Virtual Race                       Same as above, based on age (Addtl info below)

All registrants will receive a Run with Passion 5k t-shirt.  Those who register by June 1 will receive the t-shirt on or before Race Day.  Those who register after June 1st will receive a t-shirt but it may not be on or before Race Day.

Schedule of Events

7:30 am Race Day Registration Opens
8:15 am Race Day Registration Closes
8:30 am Race Starts!


Awards will be presented to the Top 3 Male/Female finishers in the race

All participants will receive an award which was created by artisans in Malawi!

Packet Pickup June 18, 19 During Normal Business Hours
Columbus Running Company Dublin
6467 Perimeter Drive
Dublin, OH 43016

If You Select the Virtual Race - Rules & Procedures

  1. Virtual race participants may choose to run a self-timed 5k distance and submit their time, or simply use the “Virtual Race” option to support the Passion Center, but from the comfort of their living room couch!
  2. Virtual Race participants will receive a race event t-shirt and a finishers award – the same as those who participate on Race Day.  After the event the Race Goodies will be delivered or mailed to Virtual Racers, whichever is less expensive.

Accountability Statement: 100% of the net proceeds from the race go to programs in Malawi, run by the Passion Center for Children.  All U.S. personnel are volunteers and receive no compensation for the operation of the race.  Race accounting is performed by Kirkey & Co., Inc. CPAs, 5207 Norwich St, Hilliard, OH 43026.

When & Where

Jun 20, 2015


7:30 AM

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Event Schedule

Dublin, OH

Glacier Ridge Metro Park

Courses & Maps

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We'll automatically post your results for you on race day. Just connect your Twitter account.


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